Quality systems accreditation (NPE)

Upcoming Dates
31 March - 4 April 2025
At AUS-MEAT Training Centre - Murarrie QLD
Course Cost:
$2995 per trainee
Remaining Places: 2 of 20
Enrol now
26 - 30 May 2025
At AUS-MEAT Training Centre - Murarrie QLD
Course Cost:
$2995 per trainee
Remaining Places: 18 of 18
Enrol now
Still got questions?

What is the course about?

The course is the first step in obtaining a Meat Export License. The course provides information that a Non-Packer Exporter (NPE) must comply with in order to meet the Australian Meat and Livestock (Exporting Licencing Regulations) 1998 and various meat orders. The Australian Government Department of Agriculture (Department) grants a license to NPEs who meet all requirements stated in their application once the applicant has successfully completed the training and obtained their accreditation through AUS-MEAT.

For more information, please refer to the NPE Accreditation Process

What do I do if I need to cancel my booking?

Please contact AUS-MEAT immediately to avoid any cancellation fees. Full payment is required no later than 5 days prior to the commencement of training.
A 50% cancellation fee will apply on cancellations received less than 10 working days prior to commencement of training.
NO refunds are given for cancellations received less than 5 working days prior to the commencement of training.
Any transfers between courses will incur a $100 fee on each instance.

What your course fees cover

Your courses fees paid cover the following items:


  1. Course tuition
  2. Facility hire
  3. Workbooks and assessments
  4. Morning tea and lunch
  5. Issue of certificate

Steps for gaining an Export License

If you are looking to obtain an Export License as a Non-Packer Exporter the follow steps will need to be completed

1. Complete the required training

  • Register and successfully complete the Quality Systems Accreditation for Non-Packer Exporters course

2. Apply for AUS-MEAT Accreditation

  • Complete the NPE Online Application form to start the process of AUS-MEAT Accreditation. This can only be done once training has been successfully completed.

3. Successfully complete an Accreditation Audit with AUS-MEAT Limited

  • AUS-MEAT will be in contact regarding fees and time frames for audit
  • Once fees are paid an audit is arranged
  • Upon successful completion, a Certificate of Accreditation is awarded

4. Apply for a Meat Export License through the Department of Agriculture

  • You will be required to apply to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture for Meat Export License

For more information, please view the Non-Packer Exporter Accreditation page.
For further enquiries please contact the Training team: training@ausmeat.com.au or 1800 621 903

Who should attend

  • NPE’s wanting accreditation to meet the AUS-MEAT National Accreditation Standards.
  • Person’s applying for an export meat license as an NPE
  • Person’s responsibility for maintaining a quality assurance program within an NPE organisation
  • Any persons wanting to increase their knowledge of the Australian reds meat industry


English is not my first language! Will I have problems?

All AUS-MEAT training courses are presented in English. A sound understanding of the English language is required. All workbooks and assessments are conducted in English. If required, the use of dictionaries or tablets are acceptable. For any additional or special requirements please contact AUS-MEAT on (07) 3361 9200 to discuss what support services are available.

How will you be assessed?

During the course there will be a practical and a theory assessment. The assessments are “open book” which means that you can use reference books, your handwritten notes and the course workbook during the assessments. You must pass both assessments to receive AUS-MEAT accreditation. A pass mark of 70% in each assessment is required.
You will be required to complete some revision work covered in the course. Please allow at least 1 hour each evening for this.

Participants will be directly involved in demonstration and explanation of:

  • Introduction to the Australian red meat industry
  • Licensing requirements for NPE’S
  • The AUS-MEAT National Accreditation Standards for NPE’s
  • Essential AUS-MEAT language information
  • How to reference publications to check beef and sheepmeat products, check on a packers QA program and check an order against a specification
  • Prepare a specification from a customer order
  • An introduction to a model quality system for Non-Packer Exporters

Assessment 1 – Product Identification

In this assessment you must assess the following for each of the products presented:


  1. Generic Description
  2. Product name
  3. * H.A.M number (where required)\

You will have 1 (One) minute to assess each product and there are 32 products to be completed during this assessment.

Assessment 2 - Knowledge Assessment

This Examination consists of fifty-nine (59) multiple choice questions. For each question you will have to identify the most correct answers. This is an OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION, Time allowed 2hrs

Issue of Certificates

A pass in this course is essential for persons seeking to be recognised as an ‘accredited person in a licensed Non-Packer Export’s business. For people wishing to apply for an Export License with the Department you must meet all the minimum requirements of this course and be awarded with a Certificate of Proficiency.

What are the course hours?

Monday - Please arrive by:12:30pm
Course Commences at:1:00pm
Tuesday - Thursday:8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm (Roughly)

Do I Need to bring Anything?

  • Please wear protective footwear (no thongs/sandals/runners allowed)
  • We will provide protective clothing i.e. disposable coats and caps for the practical sessions
  • You will require warm clothing as most sessions are conducted in a chilled training room

All food – morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is provided for the duration of the course.
Please notify the trainer on the first day if you have specific requirements so that he can notify
the caterer.

Entry Requirements

There are no Pre-requisites for this course.

At the course:


  • Your success depends largely on your own input into the course.
  • This is not an attendance only course. The Department sets a standard and expects all potential NPE accredited persons to meet a minimum standard.
  •  Please feel free to ask the trainers any questions during the course.
  • Reviewing the day’s material each night will help reinforce concepts introduced at the course.
  • The course will involve group activities and discussion. Please participate enthusiastically.
  • Register yourself as a member on the AUS-MEAT website www.ausmeat.com.au